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World Book and Copyright Day: Read, Become a Better You



The question often is, are you a reader? But the even bigger question is, why aren’t you a reader? Finding the time to sit down with a good book can seem like an impossible luxury with adulting and capitalism on the win. However, as we celebrate World Book and Copyright Day, it’s essential to reflect on the importance of reading and why it should be an integral part of your life. But, beyond that, we also spotlight Qwani, a foundation dedicated to promoting readership and providing a platform for young writers to get published, as it plays a crucial role in cultivating a reading culture among people.

Reading is not just about words on a page; it’s about expanding our horizons, exploring new worlds, and gaining valuable insights into the human experience. In a world where distractions are plentiful, books offer a sanctuary, a place where we can immerse ourselves in stories, ideas, and perspectives that enrich our lives. Lessons without unfortunately learning through experience.

One of the significant benefits of reading is that it enhances our emotional intelligence. Do you ever talk to someone who simply struggles to express their emotions? People who struggle with understanding your emotions? That’s how showy it is when you don’t read. When we read, we are exposed to a vast array of emotions, and we learn to understand and empathize with different perspectives. Books are the windows to the human soul. They enable us to experience emotions and situations that we may not encounter in our daily lives, thus increasing our emotional intelligence.

My biggest red flag in people is a lack of empathy, run away from people who are not empathetic. Reading is a gateway to empathy. When we read, we step into the shoes of characters from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. We learn to see the world through their eyes, fostering empathy and understanding. Through books, we can walk in someone else’s shoes, experiencing their joys, sorrows, and struggles. This fosters empathy, compassion, and a deeper understanding of the world around us.

But, if your excuse for not reading is volume and attention span, consider anthologies like Qwani. Keith Ang’ana addresses this by saying, “…but it is exactly that matter which we’re using to curate the book.”(talking about short attention spans) Qwani’s approach is to provide a diverse range of content, including stories as short as one page long and others as long as eleven pages. “One can, slowly by slowly, start by reading the shorter stories, and then, progressively, get to the longer stories, as they build up their reading capacity,” Keith Ang’ana suggests.

Qwani addresses this by providing a diverse array of content, all under one roof. “We have Poetry, we have Short Stories, we have Philosophy, we have Science, we have Sheng stories, and we also have reviews about Film and Music,” Keith Ang’ana explains. “Furthermore, they are spread out in the book, such that, at no point in time will you cross over from one piece to another both of the same genre or same theme. This, then, helps in making it colourful and diverse, alleviating the initial boredom that encumbers people from reading longer works.”

For anyone trying to get back to reading books, I suggest anthologies like Qwani

As we celebrate World Book and Copyright Day, let’s remember the immense value of reading. Through books, we can expand our horizons, cultivate empathy, and sharpen our minds. If you are writer, please continue to paint the world with your words, and for the readers, may we always find solace in books. With initiatives like Qwani, we have the opportunity not only to enjoy the benefits of reading but also to contribute to a culture of readership that enriches lives and communities. “Qwani is a foundation pushing for more readership by providing young writers with a platform to get published. We’re also aiming to cultivate a reading culture among people,” Keith Ang’ana concludes. And I am happy to watch Qwani soar and achieve this dream.

Qwani 2nd Edition

Qwani-ni hauna copy? Grab yourself the second edition of Qwani’s anthology here.


How to Support and Contribute during The Flood Crisis in Kenya

In the wake of devastating floods across Kenya, communities are facing unprecedented challenges. As the cold exacerbates conditions and disease risks increase, your contributions, whether through donations of clothing to keep the vulnerable warm or financial support to aid rescue operations, can make a profound difference. Discover how even the smallest acts of kindness can provide substantial relief and foster hope in the hardest-hit areas.



The recent catastrophic floods have taken a heavy toll, with thousands displaced and considerable fatalities. It’s hard to watch the news or log into social media and not be overwhelmed by the devastation. And nothing is worse than the helplessness that accompanies that devastation, I mean we are only human. However, there are ways we can make a difference, even from a distance and even in the littlest ways we can.

According to the Kenya Red Cross, as of 28th April, the floods have resulted in 69 deaths, 59 injuries, and 17 people missing. Out of Kenya’s 47 counties, 33 have been affected. Over 25,000 households have been impacted by the flooding, with 11,275 households displaced. Critical infrastructure has also suffered significantly, with 11 critical facilities, 9 health facilities flooded, and 35 schools destroyed. The economic impact is also severe, with more than 480 businesses affected and over 31,000 individuals from informal settlements displaced, with displacement camps set up in Busina, Kisumu, Homabay, Migori, and Kirinyaga.

The first step, however, even before extending help to others, it’s important to ensure your own safety first. Staying warm at all times, avoid high-risk roads and bridges that get flooded and keep informed about updates and warnings. Check your routes online before leaving for or from work, carry an umbrella, and do not let water stagnate. Check on family and friends and share safety tips, use social media to share warning messages and updates, helping to spread awareness and preparedness. As we worry about everyone else and do what we can to support and help them, it makes it easier to know that those around us; that our families and friends are staying safe. Text your parents and families to let them know that you are staying safe.

How to Support and Contribute during The Flood Crisis in Kenya

Donate Essentials

The floods exacerbate the vulnerabilities of already struggling communities with cases like Kibera and Mukuru cases, heightening risks such as disease outbreaks and exposure to harsh weather conditions. Many affected individuals are grappling with inadequate shelter, which makes them particularly susceptible to the cold. Donating your slightly used clothes and helping them stay warm through the rough nights goes a long way. Spreading warmth and love is the hope that they are not alone through these tough times.
Know a struggling family? Reach out to them and support them in the little ways you can, even if it’s just the essentials. Sanitary towels are at the top of that list; the cold weather influences a woman’s endocrine system, which controls the hormones responsible for regulating your period resulting in irregular or heavier flows.

Financial Support

Unfortunately, we cannot reach some of the people who need this help the most and we cannot do as much as we would individually like to help. But together, we can empower and support those that can; from non-governmental organizations to community-based organizations and even government rescue departments. Every donation counts, big or small. By contributing as little as 50 shillings or as much as 1,000, you directly empower organizations dedicated to aiding, supporting, and rescuing flood victims all over the country. These funds are crucial for sustaining their ongoing efforts and delivering vital services such as temporary shelters for the displaced, food, shelter, and medical aid to those in dire need.
Below are some I could find that you can send your support to:(Share more places for donation for us to keep updating this list on [email protected])


If you can spare the time, volunteering at your nearest disaster centre can make an insanely significant difference. Your skills and labour can assist in various aspects of disaster response and relief operations, supporting those on the front lines and those affected by the disaster. Even just being there for these people and offering support and compassion would go a long way in shining hope and love.

It’s important to remember that every little action counts, society is all of us together, a culmination of efforts towards a single cause. By understanding the situation and contributing in any way we can, we collectively make a significant impact. Let’s stand in solidarity with those affected and contribute to a hopeful, resilient future for all impacted by these tragic floods. As long as you are doing the little you can, we will as a community be alright. The anxiety you feel will be alleviated knowing you are doing something towards a better tomorrow. Remember to stay warm and safe.

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When Was The Last Time You Cried?



In a world where everything is moving so fast, there’s something incredibly liberating about letting ourselves cry. Creating time to take deep breaths and cry. It doesn’t have to be a wail or a scream, just a sigh that lets you breathe. It’s a powerful and natural expression of our emotions that plays a crucial role in our mental and emotional well-being. So, grab a tissue, cosy up, and let’s explore why it’s important to embrace those tears.

Someone said to me; that when you do not cry, other parts of you weep. And I thought about it a lot. When we stifle our tears and suppress our feelings, they don’t simply disappear; instead, they seep into the depths of our being, creating a reservoir of unexpressed pain and sorrow. This silent cry of the soul manifests itself in various ways, often without us even realizing it.

One of the most common consequences of suppressing our emotions is seeking solace in alcohol and drugs. Unable to cope with the weight of our unshed tears, we turn to temporary distractions to numb the pain and dull the ache. What starts as a means of escape can quickly spiral into a cycle of addiction and self-destruction, as we desperately try to silence the silent cries within us. Because why do you have to drink so much?

The refusal to acknowledge and process our emotions can lead to chronic frustration and discontentment. Like a pressure cooker without a release valve, our unexpressed feelings simmer beneath the surface, waiting for an opportunity to erupt. This simmering frustration can manifest as irritability, mood swings, and outbursts of anger, leaving us feeling emotionally drained and disconnected from ourselves and others. You know when someone does something and you get so irrevocably mad you can’t even explain why you got so mad in the first place? Chances are you haven’t cried in a while.

So, why is it important to let those tears flow anyway? Because crying is not a sign of weakness; it’s a courageous act of self-care and self-expression. When we allow ourselves to cry, we create a pathway for healing and transformation, releasing the pent-up emotions that weigh us down and allowing light to enter the darkest corners of our souls.

By embracing vulnerability and embracing our tears and that it is okay that sometimes things are not okay, we open ourselves up to the possibility of true healing and wholeness. Instead of seeing crying as a sign of weakness, we can reframe it as an act of courage and strength, a willingness to confront our deepest fears and vulnerabilities head-on.

In the end, remember this: when you don’t cry, other parts of you will weep. So, let yourself be vulnerable. Allow yourself to feel deeply and express your emotions freely, knowing that in doing so, you are honouring the truth of who you are and paving the way for a life filled with authenticity, connection, and joy. After all, as the poet Rumi once said, “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

Find out what Becca and her friends think on Men Crying,

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Understanding Sexual Assault: Consent can be revoked AT ANY TIME



Sexual assault is a topic that often finds itself shrouded in misconceptions and silence. We all know it but never really really talk about it. However, as we observe Sexual Awareness Month this April, understanding sexual assault in its various, sometimes less obvious, forms is important. Through open conversations, we can foster a supportive environment for survivors and promote a culture of consent and respect. This isn’t just a conversation about identifying wrongful acts; it’s about cultivating a deeper comprehension and empathy toward the many facets of sexual violence.

Sexual assault encompasses a range of unwanted sexual behaviors that are imposed on someone without their consent. It does not matter whether it’s your girlfriend or best friend. It’s a broad term that includes but is not limited to rape. Many people are unaware of the various manifestations of sexual assault, which can range from verbal harassment to physical abuse. Let’s explore these forms to better understand and recognize them;

Physical Assault Without Consent

This is what most people traditionally understand under sexual assault. It includes any form of unwanted sexual contact, such as touching, groping, or more severe physical acts. It’s important to recognize that consent is key; any sexual activity without explicit consent is considered assault.

Verbal and Non-Verbal Harassment

Sexual harassment can take many forms, including comments, jokes, gestures, or other actions that create an uncomfortable or hostile environment. It’s often overlooked because it can be subtle or normalized in some settings, but it’s a form of assault that can have profound psychological effects.

Coercion and Manipulation

Coercion into sexual activity by using threats, manipulation, or exploiting someone’s vulnerability is another form of sexual assault. This includes situations where consent is given under pressure or where the individual is not in a position to make an informed decision, such as under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Digital Abuse

With the advent of technology, digital spaces have also become a medium for sexual assault. This can include non-consensual sharing of intimate images, sexual harassment online, or any form of unwanted sexual communication through digital means.

Understanding and recognizing the signs of sexual assault is the first step in prevention and support. It’s essential to listen to and believe survivors, offer them support, and guide them toward professional help if needed. Recognizing the signs also means being aware of the nuances of consent; consent must be enthusiastic, informed, and CAN BE REVOKED at any time.

Supporting Survivors

If you or someone you know is a survivor of sexual assault, it’s important to know that help is available. Support can come from friends, family, or professional organizations dedicated to helping survivors of sexual assault. Seeking professional counseling or legal advice can also be a crucial step in the healing process. Do not just sit by as your friends stay in an abusive relationship, it is your duty as a friend to help them get help.

In creating environments where safety and trust flourish, being a vigilant friend is paramount. It involves fostering spaces where openness and vulnerability are not just welcomed but cherished. As vigilant friends, our role extends beyond casual companionship; it encompasses being a reliable point of contact, a listening ear without judgment, and a guiding light toward resources and support. Encouraging dialogue about personal safety, mental health, and well-being strengthens our bonds and empowers our friends to seek help when needed. It’s about ensuring that your circle knows they are not alone, that there’s strength in seeking support, and that we are here to walk alongside them in their journey towards healing and empowerment.

Creating a Culture of Consent

Promoting a culture of consent and respect is everyone’s responsibility. This involves educating ourselves and others about the importance of consent, respecting people’s boundaries, and speaking out against sexual assault. Workplaces, schools, and communities should implement policies that support survivors and hold perpetrators accountable.

Sexual Awareness Month serves as a critical reminder of the importance of addressing and preventing sexual assault. It’s a time to amplify the voices of survivors, educate the public about consent and respect, and work towards creating safer environments for everyone.

The troubling data that men are a majority of the perpetrators underscores the critical need for men to engage in these conversations actively within their circles, raising awareness and fostering a culture of respect and equality. Men have a pivotal role in challenging and changing the narrative around gender-based violence, by holding each other accountable, educating themselves and their peers on consent and respectful behaviors, and dismantling the societal norms that perpetuate such actions.

In conclusion, by recognizing the varied manifestations of sexual assault, we can better support survivors in its many forms. By recognizing the varied manifestations of sexual assault, we can better support survivors and work towards a world where respect and consent are the foundations of all relationships. Let’s use Sexual Awareness Month as an opportunity to foster open discussions, educate ourselves and others, and commit to creating a safer, more respectful society.

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