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Ain’t Down Yet



Kenyan content creator, Crazy Kennar, has made a remarkable and resilient comeback to the comedy platform, leaving Kenyans and even corporate entities yearning for more laughter. Previously, the “Content Cartel” had reportedly been battling with depression, although the exact cause remains unclear. However, the funny man took the opportunity to express his appreciation for the followers who stood by him through a dedicated social media page.

During the weekend, he unveiled a sassy skit that cunningly satirizes the government, featuring prominent public figures and government agencies. The comedian cleverly showcases himself adorned in branded attire and even bedding from major public companies.

The clip has garnered an astounding one million views across all of the comedian’s social media handles, catapulting him back into the limelight. The public eagerly awaits his future comedic endeavors, hungry for more amusing content and cheeky jabs.

Link to the clip


The Olympic Breakdown: Dancing to the World Stage



Did you know that breakdancing, once a street-style performance synonymous with hip-hop culture, has danced its way onto the grand stage of the Olympics? This energetic and physically demanding form of dance, also known as breaking, made its Olympic debut in 2024, adding a fresh and rhythmic twist to the traditional lineup of Olympic sports. Does this make you intrigued enough to watch the Olympics later this year in July?

Breaking first emerged in the 1970s in the United States, specifically in the urban neighbourhoods of New York City. It was initially part of the hip-hop movement, a form of expression for the youth, particularly in economically disadvantaged areas. Characterized by its athletic style, breakdancing combines elements of dance, gymnastics, and even martial arts. Dancers, known as b-boys and b-girls, perform dynamic movements including spins, flips, and intricate footwork, all set to the beats of funk or hip-hop music.

The inclusion of breakdancing in the Olympics marks a significant recognition of its artistry and athletic difficulty. The sport was first proposed for inclusion by the organizers of the Paris 2024 Olympics and was officially approved by the International Olympic Committee. This move was part of a broader initiative to attract a younger audience to the games, recognizing the global appeal and cultural significance of breaking.

Olympic breakdancing competitions are structured in battles, where dancers face off in head-to-head performances, judged on criteria such as technique, creativity, style, and musicality. The competitive format is thrilling, showcasing not only the physical prowess but also the artistic expression of the dancers.

– Breakdancing was almost named an Olympic sport for the 1984 Los Angeles Games due to its popularity in the US during that era.

– The dance moves were heavily influenced by martial arts, gymnastics, and traditional African dances.

– It is one of the few sports in the Olympics where athletes can compete under pseudonyms or stage names.

The inclusion of breakdancing in the Olympics not only honours its rich cultural heritage but also elevates it to a new level of international prestige and competition. It’s a recognition of the evolution of sports and entertainment, celebrating not just physical strength but artistic innovation. Keep an eye on the dance floor—or should we say, the Olympic stage—because breakdancing is set to break more boundaries in the years to come.

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Redefining Rap: Contrasting Paths to the Throne



Kendrick Lamar vs Drake

As we look towards the future of rap, the dynamic between artists like Kendrick Lamar and Drake provides a compelling lens through which to examine the evolution of the genre. The so-called “beef” between these two titans of hip-hop(each worth their buck in their respective product forms) isn’t just about rivalry; it’s a narrative that highlights the divergent paths and philosophies within rap music. My definition of this beef in particular trickles down to what each of their fans believe to be the evolution of rap.

Kendrick Lamar, often hailed as a purist’s rapper, embodies the tradition of lyrical depth and political engagement. His approach to music is cinematic, with albums that tell stories and pose critical questions about society, race, and personal identity. Kendrick’s work is steeped in the roots of hip-hop as a form of social commentary, and his influence urges the genre to maintain its depth and provocativeness; For instance “Good Kid, M.A.A.D City” (2012) – is often cited as a pivotal work in modern hip-hop for its conceptual depth and cohesive storytelling. It’s structured as a narrative about Kendrick’s teenage experiences in the gang-riddled streets of Compton. All the way to “Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers” (2022) – His latest album which at the time of this writing continues to delve into personal and societal issues, touching on themes such as mental health, family dynamics, and societal expectations.

On the other side of the spectrum, Drake represents the globalization and commercial success of rap. His style blends melodic hip-hop with elements of R&B, and his lyrics often explore themes of fame, relationships, and personal angst. Drake’s ability to churn out hits that resonate on a global scale has helped transform rap into a dominant force in mainstream music, making it more accessible and relatable to a wider audience. For instance, “Take Care” (2011) – was marked as a turning point for Drake, blending introspective lyrics with a soft, melodic production that appealed to a broad audience. It won the Grammy Award for Best Rap Album, solidifying his status in the music industry. All the way to “Certified Lover Boy” (2021) – which broke several streaming records upon release and achieved the biggest album debut of 2021. It also continued his streak of No. 1 debuts on the Billboard 200, reinforcing his influence and relevance in the music industry

The interactions between Kendrick and Drake, whether viewed as competition or mere artistic divergence, stimulate a dialogue among fans and artists about what the future of rap should hold. Should rap continue to prioritize lyrical richness and depth, as Kendrick advocates? Or should it embrace the broader appeal and genre-blending characteristics that Drake exemplifies?

This debate is crucial as rap continues to evolve. The genre is becoming increasingly diverse, with artists exploring new sounds and themes that challenge traditional boundaries. The Kendrick-Drake dynamic encapsulates this shift, highlighting a crossroads between complexity and accessibility, between introspective storytelling and global relatability.

As rap moves forward, it may not need to choose one path over the other. The future might see a synthesis of these approaches, where the genre’s richness is preserved even as it adapts to changing tastes and technologies. The contributions of both Kendrick and Drake, and their ongoing dialogue—whether framed as beef or as mutual inspiration—will undoubtedly play a significant role in shaping what comes next in the world of hip-hop.

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The Real Stars of The Show: The Overlooked Value of Performers in the Nairobi Live Music Scene



Nairobi’s restaurant and cafe scene is flourishing, kila mahali all you hear is Hidden Gems this and that. Amidst this boom, there’s a common cultural thread tying many of these vibrant spots together: live music. As restaurants and cafes across Nairobi promote local artists you can’t help but ask is it the venues promoting the artists, or are the artists in fact the ones enhancing the venues?

While venues promote themselves as supporters of local talent, the reality showcases a more reciprocal relationship. Artists aren’t just background music because otherwise, they could just play prerecorded playlists; but would it really be the same? The unique ambience created by live performances transforms a regular dining experience into something special, becoming a primary reason customers choose one cafe over another. Despite this, at the end of the night, these artists might walk away with as little as 5,000 KES—a sum that hardly equates to the value they provide.

The Artist IS the Attraction

Artists bring a unique vibe to a venue, creating an ambience that can’t be replicated by a Spotify playlist or radio. Whether it’s the soulful strumming of a guitar or the soft notes of a jazz saxophone, live music adds a layer of authenticity and enjoyment to the dining experience that draws crowds. Regular patrons often turn into loyal customers, coming back not just for the food and drinks, but for the music that originally pulled them in.

The draw of live music is undeniable as more local artists emerge in Nairobi Live Music scene. On nights with scheduled performances, foot traffic in these establishments can spike significantly. This isn’t just about increased numbers; the diversity of the clientele also expands. Music lovers, friends of performers, and even passersby lured by the sound filtering through the doors help expand the usual customer base.

Beyond the immediate business that live music brings, there’s a further broader cultural contribution that these artists offer. They help define the character of a bistro or cafe, distinguishing it from competitors. Venues known for supporting local artists often gain a reputation as cultural centres, enhancing their brand and embedding them more deeply into the community fabric.

In discussing the dynamic between artists and venues during a recent interview with VibeYetu, JT Bulinda, an artist in the local music scene, shared his insights: “The assumption generally is that venues are doing a favour to the artists by letting them play, and while there is some truth in recognizing the platform they provide, that’s barely all there is to it.” His statement highlights a crucial point: the relationship is mutually beneficial. Venues gain a competitive edge and increase patronage through the distinctive cultural experience offered by artists, while artists receive exposure and a platform to showcase their talent.

Despite their significant contributions, our artists often face challenges. The compensation, if offered, can be minimal, and the acknowledgement of their role in attracting customers can be underappreciated. There is a growing conversation among the artist community about the need for fair treatment and better recognition of their contributions to the hospitality industry. At the end of the day as an artist, you need to earn however little you can and even more importantly, you have to keep singing and playing the instrument; so they end up being taken advantage of.

As Nairobi’s culinary scene continues to grow, recognizing the mutual benefits of this relationship could lead to more sustainable support for local artists and richer, more engaging experiences for patrons. In the thriving heartbeat of Nairobi’s eateries, perhaps the artists are the real promoters after all, deserving of fair compensation and recognition for the cultural vibrancy they bring to the table.

Let’s talk about it:

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