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Heart Attacks Are Likely To Happen On Mondays – Study



Deadly heart attacks are more likely to happen on a Monday.

Studies of health service records have revealed that the likelihood of a heart attack happening is 13 percent higher at the start of the working week.

Experts believe that it is probably due to increased stress as working life resumes after the relaxation of the weekend.

Doctors at the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust assessed data from more than 10,000 patients in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland who had been admitted to hospital between 2013 and 2018 with the most serious type of heart attack and found that cases spiked on a Monday.

Cardiologist Dr. Jack Laffan, who lead the research, said: “We found a higher chance of having a serious heart attack on a Monday. This phenomenon has been described before across the Western world.

“It is likely to be due to the stress of returning to work. Increased stress leads to rising levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is linked to a higher risk of heart attack.”


Things You should know before getting a new piercing



I think every girl in our class had a piercing. My mum did not have one and therefore, did not see why we should get one. I think I felt left out. I too wanted some beautiful shiny gold studs on my ears. So, in a local salon with a post that read “piercings done here” with a picture of a piercing gun next to the words. I went home and begged my mum to let me have this piercing. Thirty minutes later I joined every other girl in my class. The pain was a 2. Please note that earlobes are the least painful part to be pierced as they go through the flesh. However, since no aftercare tips were given, two months later I spent a double English class getting the jewelry removed. My earlobes were swollen, and hot, and pus coming out. Our social studies teacher, who later went on to pursue medicine, insisted that I take them out.

Fast forward to year two, I accompany my friend to get her second earlobe piercing. I did not plan on getting my second piercing that day, but I did. Unfortunately, I stayed for so long without the piercing of jewelry that the holes closed. I’ve also had a belly piercing that closed on me. So, there was a lot I needed to learn before getting these piercings.

Here are things I wish I had known before getting my first piercings:


The location of your piercing plays a huge role in the pain level, healing process, and type of jewelry.

As mentioned before piercings that go through flesh, are less painful. Those that go through the cartilage are more painful. The pain level of course depends on the person, but do expect some pain.

Piercings normally take one month to 6 months to heal. However, if the piercing is constantly touched or rubbed on, it will take longer. The conch piercing, as is hidden by the ear might take a lesser time to heal. While a nose piercing takes a little longer since one must blow their nose, wash their face, etc.

It is advised that you pick a stud for your nose piercing first. You can then change this to a hoop when your nose piercing is healed. Some piercings require specific types of jewelry, jewelry that is small enough to prevent irritation. However, for piercings such as a septum, it is normal to have a hoop immediately after.

How many piercings should you get?

It’s advised that you get a maximum of three. Less piercings make it easier to care for them making the healing process fast. The number highly depends on the person’s ability to care for them and their pain tolerance. Again, the location of the piercing determines how many you can get at ago. If you are a slide sleeper getting a helix piercing on your left and an industrial piercing on the right ear will leave you struggling to sleep on your back. I have had 3 at a go, but the belly piercing fell off. How many piercings have you had at a single-sitting?


Fresh piercings should not be submerged. They should also not be rubbed on or touched with unsterilized hands. Depending on the piercing, it is important that you adjust your lifestyle. You might skip the high-waisted jeans after a belly piercing. You might keep off the helmet for your earlobe piercings.

Before getting your piercings, research, research, research. Read everything you can on the piercings and your piercer. They should sterilise the workstation, wear gloves, and use new and clean needles. Before getting your piercing, it is important that you ask any questions you have. Your piercer should advise on what methods they use. Piercing guns, although widely used here in Kenya, cause more swelling than needles.

How to take care of your piercing

Here are tips on how to clean your piercings and a simple DIY saline solution.

I have been thinking of getting a new piercing. Which one would you recommend, a helix, conch, septum, smiley, or rook?

Read also: How to use reflective writing to Skyrocket your happiness

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Please Take That Rest, It’s Necessary



We all have those days when waking up feels like one of those compulsory subjects you were forced to take back in high school- you really had no option but then again you still had to comply. I’ve not mentioned Chemistry anywhere, don’t misread my mind.

You’re in your twenties, figuring the intrigues of life but each and every dawn feels like cycling over some boring moments of not living to your calling- which again, you have no idea about. It’s even worse when you have nothing in particular to engage yourself in- double slap in the face, I know!

You’re a comrade balancing your life in college and those endless assignments that should meet deadline, or maybe an intern somewhere trying to be in good books of your seniors, lest lady luck land upon you with the fortune of retaining your position at that particular place. Or, you’re an employee somewhere, getting early to the office, kufurahisha bosi and all, to at least appear in the year book of being the best employee/staff of the year and get a raise. All in all, we are all in the line of living the common phrase of #kujituma, just differently.

With all said, regardless of what you are involved in (provided it’s constructive and can lead to a positive outcome), you still owe yourself that break to unplug from any form of burden that’s been weighing you down lately. Time to reflect on your own objectives and if you truly lived to any standard you conform to. Time to rethink your own life’s decisions and to actually question yourself over the minute of things- Like that one time someone greeted you but you don’t remember being loud enough in your response for them to here, or even the last message you added to an already sent ‘good night biurifuu’ to that mpoa who’s showing you dust at its peak, character development left, right and Centre. All these pressures put together can be very overwhelming, and can be challenging to find the time to step back, breathe, and simply rest.

Taking time to unplug and rest is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity. It’s essential for maintaining good mental and physical health, and for ensuring that we can continue to perform at our best in all areas of life.

Here are some of the best tips to help you unplug and take that much-needed rest, benefiting both your health and your overall well-being.

Set Boundaries with Technology:
I know you want to get ahead of the rest in trendy topics and make the first laughter over those rib-cracking memes. However, it’s vital to establish clear boundaries. Consider using apps that limit your screen time or track your usage to help you stay mindful

Create a Restful Environment: Your environment plays a significant role in how well you can relax and unwind. Make your living space a sanctuary by keeping it clean and organized. Incorporate elements that promote relaxation, such as plants, soft lighting, or even scented candles.

Prioritize Sleep: Sleep is crucial for your overall health and well-being. Aim for at least 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Establish a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, even on weekends.

Connect with Nature: How often do you spend time in nature? Make an effort to get outside regularly, whether it’s a walk in the park, or on your way to school or place of work. The fresh air and natural surroundings can do wonders for your mental health, trust me.

Pursue Hobbies and Interests: This can provide the much-needed break from the daily grind. Whether it’s painting, or cooking, hobbies can help you relax and recharge. Playing instruments or just listening to music can also catalyze your meditation process.

By incorporating these tips into your routine, you can create a more balanced and fulfilling life, stress-free, even for a moment, from things that hold you back from your own personal growth. Remember, taking time to rest and unplug is not a sign of weakness, but a journey to your commitment to living a healthy and sustainable life. So, please take that rest – it’s necessary, and you deserve it.

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Sunrise: 5 Luminous and Beautiful Reasons to Embrace It



We all know something about the sun, which makes it necessary for our bodies. That’s why God chose to hang it above.


How often do we stay up late, and when it’s time to wake up to get the most out of that sunrise, especially when the dawn breaks (about 6:10 am EAT), the snooze button gets violated? We often snuggle under our blankets for 5 more minutes, not knowing that that sunshine could greatly improve our sleep the next day.

And for those who seem too busy to stop and relish in the beauty of the morning sunshine because 6:10 am finds them in an Uber or matatu to their workplaces, it may be time to reconsider your mental health.

Even though most modern-day activities happen indoors, I’m here to remind you there’s something truly magical about the early morning sunlight that you might be missing out on.

Check out these 5 convincing reasons why you shouldn’t miss those precious rays.

1. Reset Your Circadian Rhythm and Improve Sleep

The circadian rhythm is your body’s internal clock, guiding your sleep-wake cycle over 24 hours. Morning sunlight exposure helps reset this clock by regulating melatonin production, the hormone responsible for making you feel sleepy [1].

When your eyes are exposed to natural light, it signals your brain to reduce melatonin levels, helping you feel more awake and alert during the day. Consistent exposure to morning sunlight can lead to better sleep quality at night, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up refreshed [2].

2. Shake Off the Lethargy

Ever wonder why you feel groggy and sluggish upon waking up? Blame it on adenosine, a chemical that builds up in your brain while you sleep.

Morning sunlight can help clear out adenosine faster, shaking off that morning lethargy and boosting your energy levels [3]. By soaking up some early rays, you kickstart your day with vigor and enthusiasm, ready to tackle whatever comes your way.

3. Glowing Skin Benefits

Early morning sunlight is a natural source of Vitamin D, which is essential for skin health. Vitamin D helps produce collagen, a protein that keeps skin smooth and supple, aids in the repair of damaged skin cells and reduces acne and inflammation [4]. Just 10-15 minutes of sun exposure in the morning can give your skin that healthy, radiant glow.

Early morning sun kiss

4. Eye Health

While excessive sun exposure can harm your eyes, moderate morning sunlight can be beneficial. Natural light helps produce dopamine in the retina, which is crucial for healthy eye development and function [5]. It can also reduce the risk of developing myopia (shortsightedness), especially in young people. So, step outside and let your eyes bask in the gentle morning light.

5. Enhanced Mood and Feel-Good Hormones

Sunrise is a natural mood booster. It increases the production of serotonin, the “feel-good” hormone that helps regulate mood, appetite, and sleep [6]. Higher serotonin levels are associated with better mood and feelings of calm and focus, thus reducing the risk of depression & anxiety, making you feel more positive and motivated throughout the day.


So, whether you’ll squeeze the most out of the sun by:

  • Strolling around the block before your porridge is ready.
  • Bolting for a morning jog to convince yourself you’re an athlete.
  • Braving the laundry heap outside.
  • Walking your hyperactive dog.
  • Taking your kid/lil sister to the bus stage.

Make sure you find a way. And to the boys, here’s our ultimate and possibly only (besides chugging water) skincare routine. Ladies, feel free to debate whether this fits into your serum and exfoliation extravaganza.

But hey, this isn’t just about your skin! Set that alarm a bit earlier, step outside, and let the morning sun do its magic. Trust me, your body and mind will give you a high five!

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