The festive season is about to heat up as Showmax introduces its newest reality show, Nairobi Bachelor which premiered on 6th December 2024. This 13-part series...
Kenyan media personality Fareed Khimani is returning to host the reunion of The Real Housewives of Nairobi Season 2, airing in two parts on Showmax on...
This July, a host of exciting new films are hitting African streaming service, Showmax. From musical comedies to superhero adventures, action thrillers, and heartwarming animations, there’s...
Prepare to dive once again into the thrilling world of Westeros as the highly anticipated second season of House of the Dragon makes its grand return...
Following its successful debut in 2022 as the third Showmax Original in Kenya, “Single Kiasi” is set to return for its highly anticipated third season on...
In a recent announcement, Showmax, the African streaming giant, unveiled the most-watched series of 2023, showcasing the burgeoning success of locally produced Kenyan content. Topping the...
In the heart of a Kenyan Christmas, chaos takes center stage as the Nyati family, an eclectic mix of personalities and agendas, embarks on a seven-day...
Showmax has announced the return of Kyallo Kuture, with season two set to premiere on the platform on 23 May 2023, now as a Showmax Original title. Kyallo...
The first Showmax Original telenovela in Kenya, titled ‘Second Family’ is now streaming. The first episode introduces us to Ian Mbugua’s (Single Kiasi) complicated world as...
The Single Kiasi S1 finale ended in a cliffhanger when during their reunion dinner, Eric (Michael Munyoki) found out that his wife Rebecca (Faith Kibathi) was...