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Things You should know before getting a new piercing



I think every girl in our class had a piercing. My mum did not have one and therefore, did not see why we should get one. I think I felt left out. I too wanted some beautiful shiny gold studs on my ears. So, in a local salon with a post that read “piercings done here” with a picture of a piercing gun next to the words. I went home and begged my mum to let me have this piercing. Thirty minutes later I joined every other girl in my class. The pain was a 2. Please note that earlobes are the least painful part to be pierced as they go through the flesh. However, since no aftercare tips were given, two months later I spent a double English class getting the jewelry removed. My earlobes were swollen, and hot, and pus coming out. Our social studies teacher, who later went on to pursue medicine, insisted that I take them out.

Fast forward to year two, I accompany my friend to get her second earlobe piercing. I did not plan on getting my second piercing that day, but I did. Unfortunately, I stayed for so long without the piercing of jewelry that the holes closed. I’ve also had a belly piercing that closed on me. So, there was a lot I needed to learn before getting these piercings.

Here are things I wish I had known before getting my first piercings:


The location of your piercing plays a huge role in the pain level, healing process, and type of jewelry.

As mentioned before piercings that go through flesh, are less painful. Those that go through the cartilage are more painful. The pain level of course depends on the person, but do expect some pain.

Piercings normally take one month to 6 months to heal. However, if the piercing is constantly touched or rubbed on, it will take longer. The conch piercing, as is hidden by the ear might take a lesser time to heal. While a nose piercing takes a little longer since one must blow their nose, wash their face, etc.

It is advised that you pick a stud for your nose piercing first. You can then change this to a hoop when your nose piercing is healed. Some piercings require specific types of jewelry, jewelry that is small enough to prevent irritation. However, for piercings such as a septum, it is normal to have a hoop immediately after.

How many piercings should you get?

It’s advised that you get a maximum of three. Less piercings make it easier to care for them making the healing process fast. The number highly depends on the person’s ability to care for them and their pain tolerance. Again, the location of the piercing determines how many you can get at ago. If you are a slide sleeper getting a helix piercing on your left and an industrial piercing on the right ear will leave you struggling to sleep on your back. I have had 3 at a go, but the belly piercing fell off. How many piercings have you had at a single-sitting?


Fresh piercings should not be submerged. They should also not be rubbed on or touched with unsterilized hands. Depending on the piercing, it is important that you adjust your lifestyle. You might skip the high-waisted jeans after a belly piercing. You might keep off the helmet for your earlobe piercings.

Before getting your piercings, research, research, research. Read everything you can on the piercings and your piercer. They should sterilise the workstation, wear gloves, and use new and clean needles. Before getting your piercing, it is important that you ask any questions you have. Your piercer should advise on what methods they use. Piercing guns, although widely used here in Kenya, cause more swelling than needles.

How to take care of your piercing

Here are tips on how to clean your piercings and a simple DIY saline solution.

I have been thinking of getting a new piercing. Which one would you recommend, a helix, conch, septum, smiley, or rook?

Read also: How to use reflective writing to Skyrocket your happiness


Let’s Get Mind, Body and Spirit Aligned!



What if I told you there was a way for you to switch it all up—mind, body, and spirit—without getting too woo-woo? Yup, do you know about holistic health, syncing your mental, physical, and emotional well-being? Sounds like a vibe, right? Hear me out.

1. Mind: Your Mental Playground

Your mind is like a garden—what you plant is what grows. If you’re feeding it negative thoughts and stress, don’t be surprised when you’re feeling down and stressed or find yourself at your local. It’s time to flip the script.

Start small: daily affirmations, a quick meditation sesh, or even journaling out your feelings. Keep that mental energy high, and watch how it changes your game.

2. Body: The Real MVP (Most Valuable Player)

You know the drill—your body is your temple, but are you really treating it like one? Holistic health isn’t just about hitting the gym; it’s about moving your body in ways that feel good to you.

Whether it’s yoga, dance, or just a walk in the park, get that body moving. And let’s not sleep on the fuel—eat whole foods that nourish you from the inside out. Your body’s your ride through life; give it the premium gas it deserves.

3. Spirit: The Vibe Setter

Now, this might be where some of y’all get sceptical, but stick with me. Your spirit is your inner vibe, the energy that keeps you grounded. It’s about finding what centers you—maybe it’s a spiritual practice, or just spending time in nature. Whatever fills your cup, do more of that.

Your spirit’s compass guides you to a life that feels right, not just looks right.

4. The Power of Balance

Holistic health is all about balance. When your mind, body, and spirit are aligned, you’re unstoppable. It’s not about being perfect—it’s about being aware and making choices that keep you in sync. Life’s gonna throw you off balance sometimes, but when you know how to realign, you’ll always find your way back.

So, there you have it—holistic health in a nutshell. It’s not some out-there concept; it’s about living a life where all parts of you thrive together. Start with one small change today, and let’s get that mind, body, and spirit in harmony. You got this!

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Fuel Your Future with Healthy Eating Habits in Your 20s



Your 20s are an exciting time of exploration, growth, and establishing habits that will last a lifetime. Among these, developing healthy eating habits is crucial and therefore should be intentional. What you eat now lays the foundation for your future health and well-being. Whether you’ll be those guys who retire at 60 or those whose lives start at 60. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the world of nutrition and make smart choices that will fuel your body and mind.

1. Prioritise Whole Foods

First and foremost, aim to prioritise whole foods. These include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Whole foods are packed with nutrients that are essential for your body. They help you feel full longer and provide sustained energy. Think of meals that are colourful and varied – the more colours on your plate, the more nutrients you’re likely getting.

2. Stay Hydrated

Hydration is often overlooked but is vital for maintaining overall health. Drinking enough water supports your metabolism, aids in digestion, and keeps your skin looking fresh. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day. If plain water isn’t your thing, try infusing it with fruits like lemon or berries for a flavour boost.

3. Balance Your Macronutrients

A balanced diet includes the right proportions of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Carbohydrates are your body’s main source of energy, so opt for complex carbs like brown rice, and oats. Proteins are crucial for muscle repair and growth; sources include chicken, fish and beans. Healthy fats, found in avocados, nuts, and olive oil, are essential for brain health and hormone production.

4. Don’t Skip Breakfast

Breakfast is often touted as the most important meal of the day, and for good reason. Eating a nutritious breakfast kickstarts your metabolism and provides energy for the day ahead. Choose balanced meals like oatmeal with fruits and nuts, whole-grain toast with avocado, or a smoothie packed with greens, fruits, and a protein source.

5. Practice Portion Control

In your 20s, it’s easy to get carried away with large portions, especially when eating out. Practising portion control helps prevent overeating and maintains a healthy weight. Try using smaller plates, serving yourself reasonable portions, and listening to your body’s hunger cues. Remember, it’s okay to leave food on your plate if you’re full.

6. Limit Processed Foods

Processed foods are often high in unhealthy fats, sugars, and sodium. They can contribute to weight gain, poor energy levels, and long-term health issues. While it’s okay to enjoy these foods occasionally, try to limit your intake. Focus on fresh, natural foods that nourish your body.

7. Snack Smart

Snacking can be part of a healthy diet if done correctly. Choose snacks that provide nutrients rather than empty calories. Great options include nuts, yoghurt, fruit, and vegetables. These snacks help maintain your energy levels and keep you satisfied between meals.

8. Cook at Home

Cooking at home gives you control over what you eat and how it’s prepared. It’s often healthier and more cost-effective than eating out. Start with simple recipes and gradually experiment with new ingredients and cooking methods. Home-cooked meals can be both nutritious and delicious.

9. Be Mindful of Alcohol Intake

Yap! While enjoying the occasional drink is fine, being mindful of your alcohol intake is crucial. Alcoholic beverages can be high in empty calories and can affect your metabolism. Try to limit your consumption and opt for lower-calorie options when you do indulge, the goal is to have fun, not ruin the future.

10. Plan and Prep Meals

Meal planning and prepping can save you time and ensure you have healthy options available. Spend a little time each week planning your meals and preparing ingredients. This helps you avoid the temptation of unhealthy fast food and makes it easier to stick to your nutrition goals.

11. Listen to Your Body

Finally, listen to your body’s signals. Eat when you’re hungry, and stop when you’re full. Pay attention to how different foods make you feel. Your body knows what it needs, and tuning into those signals can help you make better dietary choices.

Adopting healthy eating habits in your 20s sets the stage for a vibrant and healthy future. Prioritising whole foods, staying hydrated, balancing macronutrients, and being mindful of your portions and choices are key steps. By making these habits a part of your routine, you’re investing in your long-term health and well-being. So, start today and fuel your future with the best nutrition possible.

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7 Powerful Ways to Make YouTube Work for You



YouTube Turned My Life Around. Seriously!

10 years ago, I was just a kid who wanted unlimited coins for my phone games. Guess where I found out how to get them?


Yep, it showed me how to root my device and unlock everything I ever wanted. I felt like a hacker!

Fast forward to our last year of high school, my friends and I decided we wanted to study the Bible more deeply and live a genuine Christian life.

But where could we possibly go for that?

Then came the phase where I wanted to sound more articulate, fancied myself a digital minimalist, got curious about lifestyle medicine, wanted to dress better (so I looked more confident and approachable).

Write more effectively, lift heavy weights, almost perfect my swimming strokes, and even get some dating advice.

Where did I turn to?

Yet, YouTube May Feel Like A Bottomless Pit Of Content

With its overwhelming amount of information, you might end up drowning in cat videos and celebrity gossip when all you wanted was to learn how to cook pasta that doesn’t stick together like glue.

But, if used intentionally, it’s like having a personal tutor for everything you’ve ever wanted to learn, and the best part?


And so, I’m here to convince you

How You Can Make YouTube Your Personal Self-Improvement Tool That Works For You!

Turning you into the fascinating, well-rounded genius you’ve always dreamed of being.

Can’t eat your own cooked food? Let me show you how YouTube can turn you into the family’s star chef—or hey, maybe even help you finally find a man (because who doesn’t love a good cook?)

Need help to budget? Still haven’t figured out how to get your grades up?

Wanna take better pictures, or develop an obsession with reading?

Learn Chinese so that you can speak with half the world?

Or bake the perfect cake for your mom’s 60th birthday to remind her she’s still the best thing that ever happened to you—even though you’ve never known how to use an oven?

Here’s how.

1. Clean Up Your Subscription List and Algorithm So That YouTube Works For You, Not Against You

Intentionally subscribe to channels that align with your goals and unsubscribe from those that don’t.

Avoid mindless scrolling, as it can lead to unproductive content being suggested.

Instead, support the videos you enjoy by liking, sharing & commenting, to get similar recommendations.

Do this consistently for 3 months, and watch as YouTube algorithm transforms into a personal self-development assistant tailored to your needs.

2. Create Playlists To Organize Content

Whether it’s long-form lectures, tutorials, or videos recommended by friends, categorize them into playlists for easy access.

This simple habit saves you time and prevents the frustration of searching for that one video you need among a sea of irrelevant content.

3. Set Consistent Time Limits To Plan Your YouTube learning

Whether it’s 30 minutes a day or 1 hour every weekend.

Consistent, shorter sessions are more effective than binge-watching for hours on end, which can turn your active learning into passive viewing.

Remember, the goal is to absorb and apply what you’ve learned, not to turn YouTube into another source of entertainment.

4. Have Specific Daily/Weekly/Monthly Goals

Don’t just watch anything—dedicate time to a particular theme or subject, and immerse yourself fully.

When a video points you to further resources, follow up with research.

If you encounter something challenging, take the time to understand it thoroughly before moving on.

This approach ensures that you’re consolidating your knowledge and making the most of your watch time.


5. Engage with Content Actively To Learn Deeply

Take notes, pause to reflect, and try out what you’ve learned in real life.

Active participation solidifies your learning.

Use flashcards, share insights with friends, write about your experiences, and apply your new skills in everyday life.

6. Explore New Interests To Meet New Challenges and Opportunities To Grow

Don’t be afraid to dive into topics you’ve been curious about but haven’t yet explored.

That’s how you might discover your interest in exercise and stay consistent for a year plus.

You never know where a new interest might lead—it could even become your next passion or career path.

7. Treat Your YouTube Learning Time Like Class Time

Silence notifications and focus entirely on the content.

The Pomodoro technique is a great way to structure your sessions—study for 20-30 minutes, then take 5-minute break intervals.

Use breaks to recharge, not to distract yourself.

Whether it’s tidying up your room, doing a quick workout, or reading a few pages of a book, make sure your break activities help you return to your study session refreshed and ready to learn, not tired and distracted that you dread your next study session.


The Next Time You Open YouTube, Ask Yourself, “Am I Here To Grow?”

Practice intentionality, seek out content that aligns with your goals, and use this powerful tool to learn, grow, and thrive.

In doing so, you’ll find that YouTube isn’t just a place for entertainment—it’s a platform that can help you become the best version of yourself.

So why not block 20 minutes today to learn about the correlation between Sex & Mental Health?

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