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Adulting 101

Insights from a 30-Year-Old Father: Valuable Life Lessons and Parenting Wisdom.



30 years has a good ring to it, right? 30-year-old Daddy! A bit too suss. Okay, 30-year-old father to an amazing daughter. That’s the right spot. I have convinced myself that if I say my age enough times it will sink in and I won’t get to have a mid-life crisis. So are you convinced?

Okay enough of that, I am a father with 3 tattoos and soon to have fifty, I met the perfect mother to my daughter… you know the end product and yeah all this didn’t prepare me for fatherhood. You know the kind of talks that mums and dads have with their kids about parenthood? I didn’t get any, just a bunch of congratulations … what was I meant to do with that? Not saying that congratulations are bad, not at all. All I am saying is, let a brother know when to brace himself.

Valuable Life Lessons and Parenting Wisdom

I love the messiness that fatherhood has because it keeps you on your toes. With that said here is the first lesson. For the first time, you will suck at it! I sucked badly and was always afraid of failing and hurting the baby and also failing to take care of my wife. It doesn’t come naturally neither does motherhood so give yourself grace and time it helps.

Immediately I got the news ‘we are pregnant’, from my wife, there was an awakening in my mind. Pregnancy is not a woman’s only, it is a two-party agreement to bring life into the world and both of you have 9 months for preparation. This meant that I had to prepare myself mentally and her physically, besides all the other things that are to be prepared.

Be a present father. This is one thing most men struggle with, it is not a fault but you can do better. This has always been one of my superpowers showing up and being there for the ones I love. As a result, my wife did not get postpartum depression and this meant the world to me because she was okay. To date, I make sure to do my best not to miss dinner and bath time. This is because these are my duties and I love being involved. There have been days that time just flies and I can’t be there but I make up for it.

Make sure to read my next piece to get more insights into fatherhood and read about the journeys different dads have taken and the lessons they have picked up as fathers. Until next time, cheers.

Adulting 101

Choosing Between a Higher-Paying Job or One You Love: Why Passion Might Be the Key to Better Savings



In the ever-evolving job market, one of the most intense dilemmas faced by professionals is choosing between a job that pays well and one that truly sparks joy. While the allure of a hefty paycheck is hard to ignore, the benefits of engaging in work you love might just outweigh the extra digits on your salary slip—especially when it comes to your financial health and savings habits.

It’s easy to assume that a higher salary directly correlates with better financial stability and more robust savings. However, the reality isn’t always so straightforward. High-paying jobs often come with their own set of challenges, including longer hours, increased stress, and a demanding corporate culture that can leave you feeling drained and disconnected. This dissatisfaction can lead many to seek solace in spending, purchasing temporary comforts to mitigate the unhappiness that comes from a misaligned career path.

Retail therapy, frequent weekend getaways, lavish meals out—these are just a few ways that you might try to compensate for the lack of fulfilment in your professional lives. These expenses add up, slowly chipping away at the financial advantage that a higher salary is supposed to provide.

On the flip side, choosing a career you are passionate about—even if it pays less—might actually help in cultivating healthier saving habits. When you are engaged and satisfied at work, you’re less likely to depend on material goods to boost your mood. This decreases unnecessary spending, allowing you to allocate funds towards savings or investing in experiences that enrich your life in meaningful ways.

Moreover, job satisfaction often leads to greater career longevity and opportunities for advancement, which can result in financial gains that might not be immediately apparent when you first accept a lower-paying position. With increased job satisfaction, you also tend to have more energy and optimism, which are crucial for long-term career development and personal growth.

The critical factor here is sustainability. The assumption in this discussion is that the lower-paying job still provides enough to meet your basic needs and maintain a reasonable lifestyle. This level of financial security is essential for turning job satisfaction into a tool for better savings. Without it, even the most fulfilling job can become a source of stress, undermining the very benefits we’ve discussed.

Choosing between a higher-paying job and one you love is deeply personal and depends on individual circumstances, including financial obligations, career goals, and personal values. It’s important to evaluate not just the immediate benefits but also the long-term implications of your choice. How will this job affect your quality of life, mental health, and financial future?

Ultimately, if sustainable, picking a job that aligns with your passion might not only lead to a happier life but also to better financial health. By reducing the need to fill your life with purchased pleasures, you can save more and invest in your future, proving that sometimes, less can indeed be more.

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Adulting 101

What do you do with your EX’s belongings?



Breaking up is never easy, especially when it comes to dealing with the remnants of a past relationship. Those items your ex left behind can evoke a mix of emotions—nostalgia, anger, and even confusion. You either want to kick and burn the things they left behind or snuggle and hold onto them for dear life. But fear not! Vibeyetu has just what to do with those things. From donating clothes and shoes to children’s homes to turning hated items into cleaning rags, we’ve got you covered.

1. Donate with Compassion

The Cold Season and Children’s Homes

As the chilly winds and rain overrun Nairobi, consider donating gently used clothing and shoes to children’s homes. These institutions often struggle to provide warm clothing for the kids in their care. Your ex’s old sweater or those sneakers they left behind could make a world of difference to a child shivering in the cold. Your ex might have been an awful person, but at least now that kid is warm. Everything happens for a reason, no??

Why Give Back?

Remember, giving is about more than just the physical item. It’s an act of kindness, a way to spread warmth and love. So, let go of any bitterness and focus on the positive impact your donation can have. Plus, it’s a chance to declutter your space and your heart simultaneously, creating space for the better items your next will leave.

If you have no place in mind, visit Kibra Youth Boxing Initiative (, or drop them off at Colloseum Gymnasium at Adams Arcade to touch a heart and spread warmth.

2. The Cleaning Rag Option

Transforming Hated Items

Now, let’s get a little cheeky. Do you remember that one t-shirt that you hated but for some reason they loved? Yes, you read that right. That old T-shirt they wore everywhere? Perfect for dusting, your shoes have never looked cleaner. The quirky mug they couldn’t stand? Great for wiping down surfaces. It’s like a therapeutic cleansing—both for your home and your soul.

In an interview with UKEwebcast, opinions varied:

  • Absolutely Not: Some staunchly refused to take anything back, emphasizing that gifts should remain gifts, you know a sentiment of that time?
  • Depends on Impact: Others considered the impact on the recipient. If the gift would significantly affect their life, they’d keep it.
  • Sell It: Selling the item was a popular choice. After all, why not turn a painful memory into cash? Consider it heartbreak payment?

Whether you choose to donate or repurpose, remember that these items are more than just objects—they carry memories. So, embrace the warmth of giving, laugh about the cleaning rag option, and let go with grace.

Check out More from the UkeWebcast interview on

Note: No exes were harmed in the making of this article. 😄

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Adulting 101

Navigating the Tides of Young Motherhood



Young motherhood stands as a testament to resilience, hope, and transformation. Drawing insights from the poignant journey of Muriuki Kiae and responses from young mothers across the nation, this article delves into the heart of early parenthood, exploring the challenges, triumphs, and profound growth that come with being a young mother.

For many young mothers like Muriuki Kiae, the journey begins in solitude. The expected support from extended families and communities, once a staple in the Kenyan fabric, has dwindled, leaving many to navigate this path alone. Muriuki recalls, “When I found out I was pregnant, I was determined to breastfeed exclusively for six months. I was unprepared for the complexities that lay ahead.” The absence of a nurturing presence, such as a mother or aunt, exacerbates the challenge, making the support system a crucial pillar for young mothers.

Balancing Roles and Facing Challenges

The dance between motherhood and personal growth is a delicate one. Young mothers often find themselves juggling educational commitments, burgeoning careers, and their evolving social circles. The transition into motherhood can significantly alter relationships and social dynamics, bringing a new set of emotional and mental challenges. As Muriuki poignantly shares, “My baby would cry, and I would cry. We were both navigating a world we were unprepared for, compounded by the isolation and the silence around young motherhood.”

 Emotional Resilience and Mental Health

The emotional landscape of young motherhood is rich with complexity. Feelings of joy are often intertwined with anxiety, stress, and, as in Muriuki’s experience, the shadow of postpartum depression. “I didn’t know postpartum depression,” Muriuki confesses. “I wish I had this information at my fingertips.” Coping mechanisms become lifelines, with many young mothers turning to community support, counseling, and finding solace in shared experiences.

Lessons, Growth, and Reflections : Photo courtesy

Despite the myriad challenges, young motherhood is also a journey of profound learning and growth. It teaches resilience, the art of balance, and the power of seeking and offering support. Muriuki’s advice to young mothers resonates with wisdom, “A healthy mom calls for a healthy baby. A mom has to be in her right mental space to be able to breastfeed and nurture.” The importance of building a support system, both within the family and the community, becomes clear, highlighting the role of partners, friends, and community members in supporting young mothers.

Young mothers are not just nurturing the next generation; they are shaping the future of their communities. Their aspirations for their children and themselves are steeped in hopes of education, well-being, and a society that embraces and supports young mothers. The journey of young motherhood, with all its trials and triumphs, is a message of empowerment. It speaks to the strength of women who, like Muriuki Kiae, navigate the complexities of early parenthood with courage, transforming challenges into stepping stones for growth and change. In the words of Muriuki, a beacon of resilience and hope, “Understand that when your child is breastfeeding, they’re not just feeding; they’re connecting. And in that connection lies the strength to overcome, to grow, and to thrive.”

Young motherhood in Kenya is a journey marked by courage, resilience, and transformation. As society continues to evolve, the collective narrative of these mothers serves as a powerful testament to the importance of support, understanding, and empowerment in shaping a future where every mother and child can thrive.

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