Books & Film

A Story of Resilience in The Girl with the Louding Voice by Abi Daré



If you love a story with heart and determination, you’re going to want to get to know Adunni, the young protagonist of this novel. She’s a 14-year-old Nigerian girl who’s stuck in circumstances beyond her control, but what sets her apart is her fierce desire to get an education and make something of herself. That’s where the title comes in—Adunni is determined to find her “louding voice,” which is her way of saying she wants to speak up for herself and be heard.

The book is written in Adunni’s broken English, which might take a minute to get used to, but it quickly becomes one of the most endearing parts of the story. It feels like you’re right there with her, experiencing her world firsthand. And trust me, her world isn’t easy. She faces all sorts of challenges, from being sold into marriage to working as a servant in a wealthy household. But no matter what, she keeps her dream of getting an education alive.

One of the things that makes this book so special is how it balances such heavy themes—child marriage, servitude, and inequality—with Adunni’s unshakable hope and optimism. You can’t help but root for her as she fights to break free from the life others have chosen for her.

It’s also a deeply emotional read. There are moments when you’ll feel angry on her behalf, but there are also moments of joy and hope that shine through. Adunni’s journey is a reminder of the power of education, and how one person’s determination can make a difference, not just for themselves, but for their community.

Overall, The Girl with the Louding Voice is an uplifting and powerful read that will stick with you long after you’ve turned the last page. It’s a story of resilience and the importance of finding your own voice, no matter how many obstacles stand in your way. A story you’ve heard before but not like this, a blend of fiction with facts that give it better context than you’d anticipate.

Have you read it yet? If not, I’d highly recommend giving it a go!


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