Books & Film

A New Dawn? ‘His Only Wife’ by Peace Adzo Book Review



Imagine this, after dad passes on, your meanest uncle takes over your father’s house. With your mum struggling to keep you in school, an aunt offers to help. Years later your mom breaks the news that you are to wed the aunt’s son. It wasn’t a question or suggestion, a decision had already been made. Can you say no? How dare you ignore her commands, how dare you come back home when she gave you everything? So you do it, you even sire a son. But one day you bump into a woman so beautiful, her child and her husband. Your Husband…

Peace Adzo Medie did a spending job keeping me glued. I finished the book in a week (the crowd cheers). I knew the ending would be a sad or an angry one. I did not wish any of the women to end up hurt but pain is inevitable.

A very naïve protagonist

Are we finally writing protagonists that ‘fail’, that anger us, that make us question why they are in the book or did I just discover these types of books? One of the achievements modern fiction (new authors) have achieved is breaking this trend. Of course, everyone expected a win for the protagonist but, this type of win is rarely seen. I believe we, the society, are now more welcoming of different paths in life. We understand that divorce is normal, we understand that not marrying is normal. The world does not stop.

Narcissists do not do well with boundaries and they will ruin our lives. Afi is married to Elikem to soothe the ego of his mother. Elikem’s mother did not approve of her son marrying a woman she could not control. So, she finds the next best option, a poor seamstress who has been at her mercy. At least this way she has control over part of her son’s love life.

As literature reflects society, is it safe to say we are now okay with ‘letting’ women live their lives as they see fit? Is it safe to say although the older generation is not okay with women living life on their terms, they are willing to adjust, like Afi’s mum did? Are we finally comfortable with people leaving situations that no longer serve them? Situations such as women staying for the kids and the money? Is this the new dawn we have been waiting for?

Who should read this book?

  1. Someone looking for a distraction. ‘His Only Wife’ was an interesting read, a nice treat before retiring to bed.
  2. You! You should read the book and let me know how you find it in the comments.

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