
Honouring the Fallen and Charting a Path Forward



Recent protests across the country have left the nation grappling with tragedy and searching for a way forward. As we remember the 39 Kenyans who lost their lives during the #REJECTFINANCEBILL demonstrations, it’s crucial to understand the context of the unrest and carefully consider the next steps for the country inclusive of Gen Z.

The protests initially erupted over the rising cost of living and proposed tax hikes. Citizens, already struggling with economic hardships, took to the streets to voice their concerns about the government’s fiscal policies. A significant achievement of the demonstrations was the rejection of the controversial finance bill, which would have imposed additional financial burdens on Kenyans.

However, the cost of these protests has been high, with lives lost during clashes between demonstrators and the police. As we mourn these deaths, it’s essential to reflect on how we can honour their memory and work towards a more stable and prosperous Kenya avoiding more loss while consequently remaining steadfast in our ambitions and a just system.

One way to pay tribute to those who died is by maintaining political awareness and engaging in informed discussions about policy-making. By staying educated on political issues and participating in civic discourse, we help shape the future of the country and ensure that our concerns are heard. So don’t stop tweeting about political policies, don’t stop Instagram-sharing awareness posters to keep vigilance of those in power. Continually have conversations around governance, be involved, and be aware.

Continued accountability of leaders is another crucial aspect of honouring the fallen. We must remain vigilant and hold our elected officials responsible for their actions and decisions. This includes demanding transparency, questioning policies, and advocating for the needs of the people.

Voter registration is a powerful tool for making voices heard. By encouraging more Kenyans especially us Gen Z to register and participate in elections, the country can ensure that its leadership truly represents the will of the people. This democratic process is essential for long-term stability and progress. The best way to be heard as a citizen, and the best way to express your patriotism is to vote. Be heard.

In the wake of these tragic events, President William Ruto has called for dialogue. This presents an opportunity for all stakeholders to come together and address the underlying issues that led to the unrest. Both parties have to be willing to sit and be heard. Open and honest communication between the government and its citizens is vital for healing wounds and finding common ground.

As Kenya moves forward, it’s important to remember that change often comes at a cost. The lives lost during these protests should not be in vain. Instead, they should serve as a catalyst for meaningful reform and a reminder of the power of collective action. By continuing to engage in civic duties, holding leaders accountable, and participating in the democratic process, we honour the memory of those who died while working towards a brighter future for their nation.


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