Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, has postponed the premiere of her Netflix series, With Love, Meghan, in light of the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles. Originally set...
Netflix is set to broaden its repertoire of African storytelling with the premiere of Mo-Faya, an enthralling new drama series from acclaimed creator and director Reuben...
South African star Tyla is spreading holiday cheer and making waves this December with two monumental milestones. She’s set to feature in A Nonsense Christmas with...
Kenyan cinema is poised for a major highlight as actresses Jackie Matubia and Sarah Hassan prepare to release their new film, ‘Family Vacation’, on Netflix. Set...
Tosh Gitonga takes the directorial reins in the captivating music drama series, “Volume,” where the journey of a gifted young musician unfolds against a backdrop of...
South African comedian Trevor Noah has secured his first Golden Globe nomination for Best Performance in Stand-up Comedy on Television. The 39-year-old, known for hosting The...
I watched this movie with my wife and we came to an agreement this might be one of the greatest thriller movie to be made. Believe...
The highly anticipated Kenyan movie ‘Disconnect: The Wedding’ Planner has today (13.01.2023) premiered on Netflix. The 1 hour, 46 minutes long movie is the sequel to...
Netflix have released the trailer for ‘Harry and Meghan’, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s long-awaited fly-on-the-wall programme – which is expected to be released on...
‘Squid Game’ actor O Yeong-su will stand trial in February on indecent assault charges. The award-winning screen veteran, 78, was indicted late in November on an...