Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, has postponed the premiere of her Netflix series, With Love, Meghan, in light of the devastating...
Nearly 20 years after high school, Erick Muriuki and Doug Mutai have teamed up to create A Very Kenyan Sketch Show, a witty and innovative take...
Netflix is set to broaden its repertoire of African storytelling with the premiere of Mo-Faya, an enthralling new drama series from acclaimed creator and director Reuben... has named “demure” as its 2024 Word of the Year, a choice inspired by its viral popularity on TikTok. Traditionally defined as “characterized by shyness...
Renowned Kenyan musician Vallerie Muthoni, better known as Brown Suga, is thrilled to announce her latest release, Shake. This electrifying dance anthem seamlessly blends hip-hop, riddim,...
Max Verstappen and his partner, Kelly Piquet, are expecting their first child together. The 27-year-old Formula One champion and the 35-year-old model, who is the daughter...
The festive season is about to heat up as Showmax introduces its newest reality show, Nairobi Bachelor which premiered on 6th December 2024. This 13-part series...
South African producer and DJ Desiree is captivating the global house music scene with her new EP, Intersexy. This release signals a daring artistic evolution as...
South African star Tyla is spreading holiday cheer and making waves this December with two monumental milestones. She’s set to feature in A Nonsense Christmas with...
Spotify Wrapped 2024 has arrived, giving us a chance to reflect on the music that has shaped Kenya’s year. At the forefront of this celebration is...