Books & Film

The Waiting Room: A satirical play by Igiza Arts.



Whenever someone mentions theatre plays, my mind rushes back to my embarrassing situation. In form 3, void of hobbies and dying to be anywhere else but school, I auditioned for a place in the music festival plays. Not only did I not make the first cut,  but also failed to project my voice. That day my voice box failed and in turn, I carry such great respect for theater actors and plays. Plays were my forte back in high school. All this to say, I’m back, in love with theatre and plays and the message.

A lot has happened to us (Kenyans) in 2024, and since art is the mirror in which society checks itself, Igiza Arts presents a satirical drama “The Waiting Room”.

The Waiting Room is a play written by  Playwright Martin Abuya and produced by Arnold Mandu. As we tweet #paydoctors and #occupyMOH, we know sometimes, our healthcare system is flawed.

Martin Abuya uses humour to address issues in our healthcare system and family fabric. “Through ‘The Waiting Room,’ I hope to highlight the challenges faced by both healthcare workers and patients in Kenya. It’s a reflection of our reality, delivered with a mix of satire and heart,” said Martin.

The talented cast includes Kennedy Kithia, Lisa, Jeff Obonyo, Vanessa Gichio, Edna Kariuki, Muthoni Njoki, Harold Kerry, Lydia Mamati, Prince Kamselele, Linda Kamuri, Sammy Waweru. Edna Kariuki and Lydia Mamati as the stage managers.

Igiza Arts Production a renowned production house, has continuously pushed the boundaries of Kenyan theatre, fostering a deeper appreciation for the performing arts, and providing a platform for artists. They aim to produce and showcase thought-provoking, impactful theatrical works. Earlier this year, they produced Severed Justice, a play on police brutality as experienced in the #RejectFinanceBill protest. The show was a success.

They have also produced shows such as The Ideal Husband, Law & Behold, Sins& Secrets, and Don’t Dress for Dinner.

The show premiers on September 7th and 8th 2024, at 3 pm and 6 pm on both days. Where? Kenya National Theater. What should you bring? Handkerchiefs, you might laugh… or cry! Tickets are available


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