Adulting 101




Growing up, we always used to hear the phrase ‘time is money.’ Over time, I have come to understand it is not just a phrase but an important principle of life. Time management helps you organize your life and keep track of everything you’re supposed to do. And there is nothing I hate more than people who cannot keep time now.
Time management can be challenging, especially if you have a large number of tasks. These can cause you to feel overwhelmed and anxious.

Here are some tips for effective time management.
Set clear goals. Before you start juggling all your tasks at once, take some time and set clear goals. Create a list of what you’re supposed to do every day and check them off one by one as you complete them.

Pro Tip: Use colourful sticky notes or a vision board to set your goals. This will help you keep track of them. Plus they’re pretty

Prioritize like a Pro: Not all tasks are the same. While certain tasks can be pushed back, others must be finished promptly. List all of the tasks you need to complete and prioritize them. Prioritize the most vital tasks and leave the less important ones for last. When you’ve completed your most important tasks, you’ll feel more accomplished and less anxious.

Embrace Time Blocks: Have you heard about time blocking? It’s like making an appointment with oneself. Schedule precise time slots for tasks and cling to them like glue. Whether it’s 25 minutes of studying or 15 minutes scrolling through your phone, this strategy will keep you focused and ready to take on the world.

Be assertive. Say ‘NO’: FOMO is real. But sometimes it is important to say no. Especially when you have a deadline to complete. If you are swamped with commitments just decline the offers (it’s okay really). Effective time management means sometimes missing out on some things.

Create a routine: Routines are the secret weapon for time management. Create a daily routine that is consistent with your goals and priorities. A defined plan keeps you organized and reduces decision fatigue, leaving more mental capacity for creativity and problem-solving. You can begin your day with a morning routine such as stretching, journaling, or meditation.

Stay flexible and adapt: Sometimes life happens and not in the way we expect it to. So it is important to be flexible and adapt when things don’t go as scheduled. If an unexpected event pops up, rearrange your tasks and keep going. Flexibility is key to effective time management and keeps stress levels low.

Balance work and play: All work but no play makes Jack a dull boy. It is important to play almost as hard as you work. Taking breaks is as important as working hard . Allocate time for hobbies and downtime. This will help prevent burnout.

Reflect and adjust: At the end of the day take time and reflect. What worked? What didn’t? Then use this to readjust accordingly.

Time management is a skill and by following these tips you’re well on your way to maximizing your time and improving your life.


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