
Amazing gifts your friends will never forget




What special occasion are you celebrating? Let me guess, your friend’s birthday? Graduation? New job? Friendship anniversary? Tell me, did they finally break up with that toxic partner and you are looking for a gift that says, “welcome back to the land of the living and loving.” Whatever your reasons are, your gift should be thoughtful and within your budget (because around here we do not encourage spending money we do not have).

I said something thoughtful; this means it could be a banter. Here are a couple of gifts your friend might never forget.

A branded gift

Brand a cup, t-shirt, or bracelet with a corny joke. This must be a quick gift. Gift them before you both forget a lame joke the cracks only the two of you up. If you are a group of friends, get a couple of t-shirts and brand them with your friend’s favorites lines.

As for mugs, affirmations, something they like (a dog, a cat, cake, etc.) or a word they mispronounced.

A Hoddy, pen, or notebook would also make a good branded gift.

Gift your friend an experience.

Experiences such as hikes, vacations, face painting, cooking classes, flower arrangement are great; depending on your friends’ preferences. That friend who always uses uber or bolt, mpandishe super metro. The gift should be fun and relevant to them. Sometimes if the experience is harmless, gift them a ridiculous experience. I have not thought of any ridiculous experiences, but someone said sign them up for Jehovah witness visits.

Send them reels

The reels should be very relevant to their life. Depending on your relationship, they should range from dark humor to actual tips. Send them a reel explaining how their daddy issues manifest at 8am, a reel on parallel parking at 10am and another on how to make the soft ugali.

Pay for their next tattoo, piercing or waist-beads

I mean, getting your next tattoo on your friend’s bill would make you feel loved. I have a waist-bead and bracelet my friend got me. Although the waist-bead broke, I still hold it dear. To make this a special moment, make it spontaneous. Buy the bracelet when walking home from a night out or to celebrate a one-week breakup anniversary.

Guys, here me out, shopping. We said, the gift should be within our budget, pick something your friend likes and sponsor it for a day or two. Buy them smocha for a week, ice pop for a month, SimSim for two years… Remember the gift should be thoughtful or corny.

If you gift them a gym membership, or they just started their fitness journey, send them this article.


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